Coronation Dental Specialty Group

Dental Specialists

Dental Specialists

The doctors at Coronation Dental Specialty Group are Specialists in their respective disciplines of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Periodontics, and Endodontics, along with Medical Anaesthesia.

Dental Specialists typically undergo the following training and examinations:

Dental specialists are designated as a Fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada (FRCD(C)).  Similarly, in Ontario, only those registered as a Specialist with the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario (RCDSO) can be called a Dental Specialist.

Coronation is proud to have multiple Board-Certified Dental Specialists in our respective fields.  Because our doctors work cooperatively, rather than competitively, the practice is able to focus its attention wholly on the needs of its patients and referring doctors by functioning as a multi-disciplinary, dental specialty group.

Find out more about the training required to become a dental specialist in: